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Fundamentals of Astrodynamics and Applications - 5th Ed. [Vallado, 2022] (hardcover)
Detailed Description
Fundamentals of Astrodynamics and Applications (Fifth Edition)
by David A. Vallado (July 2022)
ISBN: 978-1881883227, hardcover, Pages: 1136 Publisher: Microcosm Press Year: July 2022
The third edition of “Vallado”, as it has fondly become known, has become the standard astrodynamics reference for those in the spaceflight business. The fifth edition features several exciting changes to this exceptional book. Extended to 1136 pages, the angles-only and Lambert sections are completely revised. There is an improved and expanded discussion of the latest coordinate systems, orbit determination, and differential correction. As with the third edition all software routines described in the book are available in Fortran, Pascal, C++, and MATLAB on Celestrak website This edition will be available in softcover (List $120), hardbound (List $180). It is not only the perfect textbook, but a superb reference book that will be used over and over again in practical astrodynamics.
The increased power of microcomputers has changed the study of perturbations perhaps more than any other subfield of astrodynamics, but students and practitioners still need a compendium of well-documented algorithms to use that power. Vallado's book is just such a compendium, integrating two-body dynamics with extensive perturbation methods and real-world applications while consolidating recent literature about coordinates and fundamental concepts. It attempts to use new programming capabilities to exploit the keys for the future-- standardizing, documenting, modularity, efficiency, and maintainability. Ample algorithms numbered and handily summarized at the beginning of the book. Extensive and reworked examples and derivations have been included to save time often spent recreating something that has already been proven. The author cites many references and alternative methods to expand understanding of the topics discussed. We would like to thank Dave Vallado for this most accomplished and comprehensive piece of work. If astrodynamics is your thing…you will be thanking him too.
Table of Contents
- Equations of Motion
- Kepler's Equation and Kepler's Problem
- Coordinate and Time Systems
- Observations
- Celestial Phenomena
- Orbital Maneuvering
- Initial Orbit Determination
- Special Perturbation Tecniques
- General Perturbation Techniques
- Orbit Determination and Estimation
- Mission Analysis
- Interplanetary Mission Analysis
- Appendix A: Dictionary of Symbols
- Appendix B: Modeling the Atmosphere
- Appendix C: Mathematical Fundamentals
- Appendix D: Constants and Expansions