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The Satellite Communication Applications Handbook - 2nd Ed. [Bruce R. Elbert, 2003] (hardcover)
Bruce R. Elbert
List Price: $142.00
Our Price: $110.00
You Save: $32.00 (23 %)

Detailed Description

532pgs, 2003, Artech House Publishers
ISBN 978-1580534901

This comprehensive review of the rapidly expanding satellite communications industry is organized into the four fundamental areas that most concern application developers and users. Its 11 chapters fall neatly into the areas of business and technical basics, broadcasting, two-way interactive services, and business and regulatory matters. The book draws upon Elbert's three decades of communications experience at Hughes, COMSAT, Western Union, and the U.S. Army Signal Corps; it evolved from his series of satellite communication seminars and UCLA Extension course and was designed to be a textbook for a technical or business course.


Part I - Systems Considerations

  1. Evolution of Satellite Technology and Applications
  2. Satellite Links and Access Methods
  3. Issues in Satellite System Management

Part II - Television Distribution and Broadcasting

  1. Television Applications and Standards
  2. Digital Video Compression Systems and Standards
  3. Direct-to-Home TV Broadcasting by Satellite

Part III - Telephone and Data Communications

  1. Data Communications and Very Small Aperture Terminal Networks
  2. Fixed Telephony Satellite Networks
  3. Mobile Satellite Service (GEO and non-GEO)

Part IV - Service and Business Development

  1. Frequency Coordination and Regulation of Services
  2. The Business of Satellite Communication
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STL Errata

Chapter 1 of "The Logic of Microspace"