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>Systems and Mission Engineering

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Space Mission Analysis and Design (SMAD) - 3rd Ed. [James R. Wertz and Wiley J. Larson, 1999] (softcover)
List Price: $149.00
Our Price: $130.00
You Save: $19.00 (13 %)
Space Mission Analysis and Design (SMAD) - 3rd Ed. [James R. Wertz and Wiley J. Larson, 1999] (softcover)
James R. Wertz and Wiley J. Larson, eds.
Design of Mission Operations Systems for Scientific Remote Sensing [Stephen D. Wall and Kenneth W. Ledbetter - 1991] (hardcover)
List Price: $189.95
Our Price: $150.00
You Save: $39.95 (21 %)
Design of Mission Operations Systems for Scientific Remote Sensing [Stephen D. Wall and Kenneth W. Ledbetter - 1991] (hardcover)
Stephen D. Wall and Kenneth W. Ledbetter
Space Mission Analysis and Design Workbook (SMAD) [Wertz and Larson, 2005] (softcover)
Our Price: $20.00
Space Mission Analysis and Design Workbook (SMAD) [Wertz and Larson, 2005] (softcover)
SMAD3 workbook, companion to the infamous book by Wertz and Larson. The problems and solutions were written to help study the broad concept of space mission design and tie many disciplines together.
Space Biology and Medicine III: Humans in Spaceflight (Vol. 1 and 2) [Antipov, Grigoriev and Huntoon, 1997] (hardcover)
List Price: $137.95
Our Price: $125.00
You Save: $12.95 (9 %)
Space Biology and Medicine III: Humans in Spaceflight (Vol. 1 and 2) [Antipov, Grigoriev and Huntoon, 1997] (hardcover)
Carolyn S. Leach Huntoon, Vsevolod V. Antipov, and Anatoliy I. Grigoriev (Editors)
Spacecraft Mission Design - 2nd Ed. [Charles D. Brown, 1998] (hardcover)
List Price: $79.95
Our Price: $70.00
You Save: $9.95 (12 %)
Spacecraft Mission Design - 2nd Ed. [Charles D. Brown, 1998] (hardcover)
Charles D. Brown
Spacefaring: The Human Dimension [Albert A. Harrison, 2001] (softcover)
List Price: $31.95
Our Price: $23.00
You Save: $8.95 (28 %)
Spacefaring: The Human Dimension [Albert A. Harrison, 2001] (softcover)
Albert A. Harrison
Systems Reliability and Failure Prevention [Hecht, 2004] (hardcover)
List Price: $85.00
Our Price: $79.00
You Save: $6.00 (7 %)
Systems Reliability and Failure Prevention [Hecht, 2004] (hardcover)
Hecht, 2004, 230pgs Artech House ISBN 978-1580533720
Spaceflight Revolution [Ashford, 2002] (softcover)
List Price: $39.00
Our Price: $29.00
You Save: $10.00 (26 %)
Spaceflight Revolution [Ashford, 2002] (softcover)
Ashford-2002-Imperial College Press ISBN#978-1860943256
Martian Expedition Planning [Charles Cockell, 2004] (softcover and CD)
List Price: $65.00
Our Price: $55.00
You Save: $10.00 (15 %)
Martian Expedition Planning [Charles Cockell, 2004] (softcover and CD)
Space Operations Mission, Technologies and Current Applications [Trevor Sorensen, L. Bruca and J.P. Douglas, 2007] (hardcover)
List Price: $109.95
Our Price: $105.00
You Save: $4.95 (5 %)
Space Operations  Mission, Technologies and Current Applications [Trevor Sorensen, L. Bruca and J.P. Douglas, 2007] (hardcover)
Ninth Space-Ops Symposium-selected papers
Astronautics [Ulrich Walter,2008] (softcover)
List Price: $115.00
Our Price: $100.00
You Save: $15.00 (13 %)
Astronautics [Ulrich Walter,2008] (softcover)
Combustion Instabilities in Liquid Rocket Engines [Mark L. Dranovsky, 2007] (hard cover)
Our Price: $79.00
Combustion Instabilities in Liquid Rocket Engines [Mark L. Dranovsky, 2007] (hard cover)
Testing and Development Practices in Russia
Dynamic Analysis of Space Tether Missions [Eugene Levin, 2007] (hardcover)
List Price: $150.00
Our Price: $145.00
You Save: $5.00 (3 %)
Dynamic Analysis of Space Tether Missions [Eugene Levin, 2007] (hardcover)
Robust Engineering Design by Reliability - Vol. 1 [Dimitri Kececioglu, 2003] (hardcover)
List Price: $109.50
Our Price: $105.00
You Save: $4.50 (4 %)
Robust Engineering Design by Reliability - Vol. 1 [Dimitri Kececioglu, 2003] (hardcover)
The Secret of Apollo [Stehen B. Johnson, 2002] (softcover)
List Price: $27.00
Our Price: $20.00
You Save: $7.00 (26 %)
The Secret of Apollo [Stehen B. Johnson, 2002] (softcover)
Systems Cost Engineering [Dale Shermon, 2009] (hardcover)
List Price: $134.95
Our Price: $120.00
You Save: $14.95 (11 %)
Systems Cost Engineering [Dale Shermon, 2009] (hardcover)
Risk Modeling, Assessment, and Management - 3rd Ed. [Haimes, 2009] (hardcover)
List Price: $148.00
Our Price: $134.00
You Save: $14.00 (9 %)
Risk Modeling, Assessment, and Management - 3rd Ed. [Haimes, 2009] (hardcover)
Risk Analysis in Engineering and Economics [Ayyub, 2003] (hardcover)
List Price: $154.95
Our Price: $150.00
You Save: $4.95 (3 %)
Risk Analysis in Engineering and Economics [Ayyub, 2003] (hardcover)
High Frontier [Peebles, 1997] (softcover)
Our Price: $30.00
High Frontier [Peebles, 1997] (softcover)
The US Air Force and the Military Space Program
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STL Errata

Chapter 1 of "The Logic of Microspace"