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Space Mission Analysis and Design (SMAD) - 3rd Ed. [James R. Wertz and Wiley J. Larson, 1999] (softcover)
James R. Wertz and Wiley J. Larson, eds.
Our Price: $120.00

Detailed Description

969 pages, 1999, Microcosm/Springer
ISBN 978-1881883104

This third edition of Space Mission Analysis and Design, known as SMAD to its many friends, carries on the tradition of the first two editions of providing a practical handbook for Space Mission Engineering -- the process of defining mission parameters and refining requirements to meet the often fuzzy objectives of a space mission at minimum cost and risk. We begin the process with a "blank sheet of paper" and carry the reader through a preliminary mission design covering all system aspects: orbit and constellation design, mission geometry, launch vehicle selection, and design of the spacecraft, payload, ground segment, and operations. The book is a comprehensive presentation of theory and practice, drawing on the insight and practical knowledge of leading experts from all segments of the aerospace community.

SMAD III both updates the technology and provides a greater emphasis on the design of smaller spacecraft and the process of reducing cost.* It has been expanded to include more detail on multi-satellite manufacturing and the design and selection of constellation parameters. The discussion of space computers has been expanded and revised. The unmanned spacecraft cost model has been updated and the new Small Satellite Cost Model has been added. The discussion of payload design has been extensively revised and expanded. Discussions of electric propulsion, autonomous systems, onboard navigation, and the use of commercial PCs and COTS software have been expanded in keeping with current trends in system design. The appendices and tables have been made even more extensive and useful.

Because of its practical orientation, useful data and formulas, and process tables which summarize the design methodology of all major mission elements, SMAD has become the most widely used volume in astronautics. It is intended for both students and professionals in astronautics and space science. It is appropriate for engineers, scientists, and managers trying to obtain the best mission possible within a limited budget and for students working on advanced design projects or just beginning in space systems engineering. It is the indispensable traveling companion for seasoned veterans or those just beginning to explore the highways and by-ways of space mission engineering. Enjoy!

Reducing Space Mission Cost, a companion volume to SMAD also edited by Wertz and Larson, provides the most comprehensive discussion to date of this important aspect of modern mission design.


  1. The Space Missions Analysis and Design Process
    1.1    Introduction and Overview
    1.2    The Space Mission Life Cycle
    1.3    Step 1: Definition of Mission Objectives
    1.4    Step 2: Preliminary Estimate of Mission Needs, Requirements and Constraints  
  2. Mission Characterization
    2.1    Step 3: Identifying Alternative Mission Concepts
    2.2    Step 4: Identifying Alternative Mission Architectures
    2.3    Step 5: Identifying System Drivers
    2.4    Step 6: Characterizing the Mission Architecture
  3. Mission Evaluation
    3.1    Step 7: Identification of Critical Requirements
    3.2    Mission Analysis
    3.3    Step 8: Mission Utility
    3.4    Step 9: Mission Concept Selection
  4. Requirements Definition
    4.1    Role of Requirements in System Development
    4.2    Requirements Analysis and Performance Budgeting
    4.3    Requirements Documentation and Specifications
    4.4    Summary: The Steps to a Requirements Baseline
  5. Space Mission Geometry
    5.1    Introduction to Geometry on the Celestial Sphere
    5.2    Earth Geometry Viewed from Space
    5.3    Apparant Motion of Satellites for an Observer on the Earth
    5.4    Development of Mapping and Pointing Budgets
  6. Introduction to Astrodynamics
    6.1    Keplerian Orbits
    6.2    Orbit Perturbations
    6.3    Orbit Maneurvering
    6.4    Launch Windows
    6.5    Orbit Maintenance
  7. Orbit and Constellation Design
    7.1    The Orbit Design Process
    7.2    Earth Coverage
    7.3    The Delta V Budget
    7.4    Selecting Orbits for Earth-Referenced Spacecraft
    7.5    Selecting Transfer, Parking and Space-Rerenced Orbits
    7.6    Constellation Design
  8. The Space Environment and Survivability
    8.1    The Space Environment
    8.2    Hardness and Survivability
  9. Space Payload Design and Sizing
    9.1    Payload Design and Sizing Process
    9.2    Mission Requirements and Subject Trades
    9.3    Background
    9.4    Observation Payload Design
    9.5    Observation Payload Sizing
    9.6    Examples
  10. Spacecraft Design and Sizing
    10.1   Requirements, Constraints and the Design Process
    10.2   Spacecraft Configuation
    10.3   Design Budgets
    10.4   Designing the Spacecraft Bus
    10.5   Integrating the Spacecraft Design
    10.6   Examples
  11. Spacecraft Subsystems
    11.1   Attitude Determination and Control
    11.2   Telemetry, Tracking and Command
    11.3   Command and Data Handling
    11.4   Power
    11.5   Thermal
    11.6   Structures and Mechanisms
    11.7   Guidance and Navigation
  12. Space Manufacture and Test
    12.1   Engineering Data
    12.2   Manufacture of High-Reliability Hardware
    12.3   Inspection and Quality Assurance
    12.4   The Qualification Program
    12.5   Spacecraft Qualification Test Flow
    12.6   Launch Site Operations
  13. Communications Architecture
    13.1  Communications Architecture
    13.2   Data Rates
    13.3   Link Design
    13.4   Sizing the Communications Payload
    13.5   Special Topics
  14. Mission Operations
    14.1   Developing a Mission Operations Plan
    14.2   Overview of Space Mission Operations Functions
    14.3   Estimating the Size and Cost of Mission Operations
    14.4   Automating Spacecraft and Ground Operations Functions
  15. Ground System Design and Sizing
    15.1   The Ground System Design Process
    15.2   A Ground System's Basic Elements
    15.3   The Typical ground System
    15.4   Alternatives to Building a Dedicated System
    15.5   Key Design Considerations
  16. Spacecraft Computer Systems
    16.1   Computer System Specification
    16.2   Computer Resource Estimation
    16.3   FireSat Example
  17. Space Propulsion Systems
    17.1   Propulsion Subsystem Selection and Sizing
    17.2   Basics of Rocket Propulsion
    17.3   Types of Rockets
    17.4   Component Selection and Sizing
    17.5   Staging
  18. Launch Systems
    18.1   Basic Launch Vehicle Considerations
    18.2   Launch System Selection Process
    18.3   Determining the Spacecreft Design Envelope and Environments
  19. Space Manufacturing and Reliability
    19.1   Designing Space Systems for Manufacturability
    19.2   Reliability for Space Mission Planning
  20. Cost Modeling
    20.1   Introduction to Cost Analysis
    20.2   The Parametric Cost Estimation Process
    20.3   Cost Estimating Relationships
    20.4   Other Topics
    20.5   FireSat Example
  21. Limits on Mission Design
    21.1   Law and Policy Considerations
    21.2   Orbital Debris-A Space Hazard
  22. Design of Low-Cost Spacecraft
    22.1   Designing Low-Cost Space Systems
    22.2   Small Space Systems Capabilities and Applications
    22.3   Applying Miniature Satellite Technology to FireSat
    22.4   Scaling from Large to Small Systems
    22.5   Economics of Low-Cost Space Systems
    22.6   Anotated Bibliography on Low-Cost Space Systems
  23. Applying Space Mission Analysis and Design
    23.1   Applying SMAD to Later Mission Phases
    23.2   Lessons Learned From Existing Space Programs
    23.3   Future Trends

A. Mass Distribution for Selected Satellites
B. Astronautical and Astrophysical Data
C. Elliptical Orbit Equations
D. Spherical Geometry Formulas
E. Universal Time and Julian
F. Units and Conversion Factors

Fundamental Physical Constants
Spaceflight Constants
Index to Process Tables

Earth Satellite Parameters
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STL Errata

Chapter 1 of "The Logic of Microspace"