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Space Economics [Joel S. Greenberg and Henry R. Hertzfeld, 1992] (hardcover)
Joel S. Greenberg and Henry R. Hertzfeld (Editors)
List Price: $104.95
Our Price: $90.00
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Detailed Description

446 pgs, 1992, AIAA
ISBN 978-1563470424

The purpose of this book is to expose scientists and engineers active in space projects to the many different and useful way that economic analysis and methodology can help get the job done. Whether it be through an understanding of cost-estimating procedures or through better insight into the use of economics in strategic planning and marketing, the space professional will find that the use of a formal and structured economic analysis early in the design of a program will make later decisions easier and more informed.

This book will help guide non-economists to the use of the appropriate and proper economics tools to answer specific questions. It is intended as a guide to those who must make decisions concerning the allocation of scarce resources among and within space programs. It is aimed at encouraging the knowledge and appropriate use of economics in situations space scientists and engineers are likely to encounter.

This book (the first of five volumes), provides an understanding of the biological consequences of space flight. The first volume presents the current status of our understanding of space and general information that becomes useful in later volumes, as well as discussing exobiology and space exploration.


  1. Financial / Investment Considerations
    Financial / Investment Analysis
    Financing Space Projects
  2. Cost Analysis
    Standard Cost Elements for Technology Programs
    Cost-Estimating Relationships for Space Programs
    Cost-Estimating Relationships: A DCAA Perspective
    Cost Estimating for Technology Programs
    Space Systems Life Cycle Cost and Availability
  3. Benefit / Cost and Cost Effectiveness Models
    Measuring Returns to Space Research and Development
    Measuring and managing Spinoffs: The Case of Spinoffs Generated by ESA Programs
    Economics and Regulation of Space Activities
  4. Economics of the Marketplace
    Remote Sensing
    Product and Service Pricing: Launch Vehicles
    Product / Service Pricing: Support Facilities (Space Facilities)
    Space Insurance
  5. Relationship of Economics to Major Issues
    Commercial Development of Space: Government / Industry Relationship
    Economics of Strategic Planning
    Remote Sensing: The Inconsistency of U.S. Space Policy
    Engineering Design and Decision Making
    Resource Allocation in the Congress
    Economic Issues Facing the united States in International Space Activities
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STL Errata

Chapter 1 of "The Logic of Microspace"