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Spacecraft Navigation and Guidance [Noton, 1998] (hardcover)
Our Price: SME SMAD Reference only-NOT FOR SALE

Detailed Description

SME-SMAD reference
The analysis and computational techniques associated with the navigation and guidance of spacecraft are now in a mature state of development. However the documentation has remained dispersed throughout conference papers, journals, company and contract reports, making it difficult to get a true, comprehensive picture of the subject. This text brings together the body of literature with suitable attention to the necessary underlying mathematics and computational techniques. It covers in detail the necessary orbital mechanics, orbit determination with emphasis on the SRIF algorithm, gravity assist maneouvres and guidance, both ground-based and autonomous. Attention is paid to all phases of a space mission including launch and re-entry, and whether culminating in an earth satellite or a deep space mission to planets or primitive bodies. Software associated with the text is available free to the reader by means of the Internet server of the publisher. 'Spacecraft Navigation and Guidance' is an invaluable aid for all those working within astronautics, aeronautics, and control engineering in general.
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STL Errata

Chapter 1 of "The Logic of Microspace"