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>Mathematical Analysis and Methods

Displaying products 1 - 26 of 26 results
Astronomy on the Personal Computer (Fourth Edition) (Hardback) [Oliver Montenbruck and Thomas Pfleger - 2002]
List Price: $99.00
Our Price: $89.00
You Save: $10.00 (10 %)
Astronomy on the Personal Computer (Fourth Edition) (Hardback) [Oliver Montenbruck and Thomas Pfleger - 2002]
Oliver Montenbruck and Thomas Pfleger
Computational Spherical Astronomy [Laurence G. Taff, 1991] (hardcover)
List Price: $61.75
Our Price: $45.00
You Save: $16.75 (27 %)
Computational Spherical Astronomy [Laurence G. Taff, 1991] (hardcover)
Laurence G. Taff
Control of Spacecraft and Aircraft [Arthur E. Bryson, Jr., 1994] (hardcover)
List Price: $95.00
Our Price: $89.00
You Save: $6.00 (6 %)
Control of Spacecraft and Aircraft [Arthur E. Bryson, Jr., 1994] (hardcover)
Arthur E. Bryson, Jr.
Handbook of Mathematical Functions with Formulas, Graphs, and Mathematical Tables [Milton Abramowitz and Irene A. Stegun, 1972] (softcover)
List Price: $27.92
Our Price: $27.00
You Save: $0.92 (3 %)
Handbook of Mathematical Functions with Formulas, Graphs, and Mathematical Tables [Milton Abramowitz and Irene A. Stegun, 1972] (softcover)
Milton Abramowitz and Irene A. Stegun, Editors
Introduction to Random Signals and Applied Kalman Filtering - 3rd Ed. [Robert Grover Brown and Patrick Y.C. Hwang, 1996] (softcover, no software)
List Price: $133.95
Our Price: $95.00
You Save: $38.95 (29 %)
Introduction to Random Signals and Applied Kalman Filtering - 3rd Ed. [Robert Grover Brown and Patrick Y.C. Hwang, 1996] (softcover, no software)
Print on Demand-Software unavailable
Remote Sensing Digital Image Analysis - 4th Ed. [John A. Richards and Xiuping Jia, 2006] (hardcover)
List Price: $99.00
Our Price: $88.00
You Save: $11.00 (11 %)
Remote Sensing Digital Image Analysis - 4th Ed. [John A. Richards and Xiuping Jia, 2006] (hardcover)
John A. Richards and Xiuping Jia
Satellite Communication Systems Design [Sebastiano Tirro, 1993] (hardcover)
List Price: $269.00
Our Price: $200.00
You Save: $69.00 (26 %)
Satellite Communication Systems Design [Sebastiano Tirro, 1993] (hardcover)
Sebastiano Tirro
Special Functions of Mathematics for Engineers - 2nd Ed. [Larry C. Andrews, 1998] (hardcover)
List Price: $86.00
Our Price: $74.00
You Save: $12.00 (14 %)
Special Functions of Mathematics for Engineers - 2nd Ed. [Larry C. Andrews, 1998] (hardcover)
Larry C. Andrews
Advanced Design Problems in Aerospace Engineering [Miele and Frediani, 2003] (hardcover)
List Price: $155.00
Our Price: $145.00
You Save: $10.00 (6 %)
Advanced Design Problems in Aerospace Engineering [Miele and Frediani, 2003] (hardcover)
Part of the Mathematical Concepts & Methods in Science and Engineering Series
Economic Principles Applied to Space Industry Decisions [Greenberg, 2003] (hardcover)
List Price: $119.95
Our Price: $110.00
You Save: $9.95 (8 %)
Economic Principles Applied to Space Industry Decisions [Greenberg, 2003] (hardcover)
Applying economics to decision making in space activities
Systems Reliability and Failure Prevention [Hecht, 2004] (hardcover)
List Price: $85.00
Our Price: $79.00
You Save: $6.00 (7 %)
Systems Reliability and Failure Prevention [Hecht, 2004] (hardcover)
Hecht, 2004, 230pgs Artech House ISBN 978-1580533720
Dynamics of Atmospheric Re-Entry [Regan and Anandakrishnan, 1993] (hardcover)
List Price: $105.95
Our Price: $95.00
You Save: $10.95 (10 %)
Dynamics of Atmospheric Re-Entry [Regan and Anandakrishnan, 1993] (hardcover)
Introduction to the Physics and Techniques of Remote Sensing - 2nd Ed. [Charles Elachi and Jakob van Zyl, 2006] (hardcover)
List Price: $181.00
Our Price: $150.00
You Save: $31.00 (17 %)
Introduction to the Physics and Techniques of Remote Sensing - 2nd Ed. [Charles Elachi and Jakob van Zyl, 2006] (hardcover)
The science and engineering of remote sensing-theory & applications. This authorative book offers readers the essential science and engineering foundation needed to understand remote sensing and apply it in real-world situations.
Theory of Interplanetary Flights [G.A. Gurzadyan, 1996] (hardcover)
List Price: $145.00
Our Price: $130.00
You Save: $15.00 (10 %)
Theory of Interplanetary Flights [G.A. Gurzadyan, 1996] (hardcover)
Astronautics [Ulrich Walter,2008] (softcover)
List Price: $115.00
Our Price: $100.00
You Save: $15.00 (13 %)
Astronautics [Ulrich Walter,2008] (softcover)
Analytical Mechanics of Space Systems-2nd edition [Schaub/Junkins, 2009] (hardcover)
List Price: $104.95
Our Price: $99.00
You Save: $5.95 (6 %)
Analytical Mechanics of Space Systems-2nd edition [Schaub/Junkins, 2009] (hardcover)
The American Practical Navigator [Bowditch, 2010] (hardcover)
List Price: $49.95
Our Price: $45.00
You Save: $4.95 (10 %)
The American Practical Navigator [Bowditch, 2010] (hardcover)
Introduction to Geomagnetically Trapped Radiation [Walt,1994] (softcover)
List Price: $55.00
Our Price: $45.00
You Save: $10.00 (18 %)
Introduction to Geomagnetically Trapped Radiation [Walt,1994] (softcover)
Mathematical Methods in Defense Analyse - 3rd Ed. [Przemieniecki, 2000] (hardcover)
List Price: $104.95
Our Price: $90.00
You Save: $14.95 (14 %)
Mathematical Methods in Defense Analyse - 3rd Ed. [Przemieniecki, 2000] (hardcover)
Effects of Space Weather on Technology Infrastructure [Daglis, 2004] (hardcover)
List Price: $143.00
Our Price: $133.00
You Save: $10.00 (7 %)
Effects of Space Weather on Technology Infrastructure [Daglis, 2004] (hardcover)
Spherical Astronomy [Green, 1985] (softcover)
Our Price: sme-smad reference only-not for sale
Spherical Astronomy [Green, 1985] (softcover)
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Chapter 1 of "The Logic of Microspace"