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Handbook of Mathematical Functions with Formulas, Graphs, and Mathematical Tables [Milton Abramowitz and Irene A. Stegun, 1972] (softcover)
Milton Abramowitz and Irene A. Stegun, Editors
List Price: $27.92
Our Price: $27.00
You Save: $0.92 (3 %)

Detailed Description

1046 pgs, 1972, Dover Publications
ISBN 978-0486612720

U.S. Department of Commerce's self-contained summary of mathematical functions arising in physical and engineering problems: tables, formulas, graphs, and explanations of methods for using the material.

Despite the almost universal use of computers in the modern design world, this handy reference book still fulfills a vital use. Tables serve a vital role in preliminary surveys of problems before programming for machine operation. This book was designed to include a maximum of information and to meet the needs of scientists in all fields; it is a comprehensive and self-contained summery of the mathematical functions that arise in physical and engineering problems.

The book contains 29 sets of tables, some to as high as 20 places: mathematical constants; physical constants and conversion factors; exponential integral and related functions; error function and Fresnel integral; Bessel function of integer and fractional order, and much more. Each of the sections is prefaced by a list of related formulas and graphs: differential equations, series expansions, special functions, and other basic relations. This is an essential aid in all scientific and engineering research, problem solving, experimentation and field work.


    1. Mathematical Constants
    2. Physical Constants and Conversion Factors
    3. Elementary Analytical Methods
    4. Elementary Transcendental Functions
    5. Exponential Integral and Related Functions
    6. Gamma Function and Related Functions
    7. Error Function and Fresnel Integrals
    8. Legendre Functions
    9. Bessel Functions of Integer Order
    10. Integrals of Bessel Function
    11. Struve Functions of Fractal Order
    12. Confluent Hypergeometric Functions
    13. Coulomb Wave Functions
    14. Hypergeometric Functions
    15. Jacobian Elliptic Functions and Theta Functions
    16. Elliptic Integrals
    17. Weierstrass Elliptic and Related Functions
    18. Parabolic Cylinder Functions
    19. Mathieu Functions
    20. Spheroidal Wave Functions
    21. Orthogonal Polynomials
    22. Bernoulli and Euler Polynomials, Riemann Zeta Function
    23. Combinatorial Analysis
    24. Numerical Interpolation, Differentiation and Integration
    25. Probability Functions
    26. Miscellaneous Functions
    27. Scales of Notation
    28. Laplace Transformations
    29. Subject Index
    30. Index of Notations
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STL Errata

Chapter 1 of "The Logic of Microspace"