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Dynamics of Meteor Outbursts and Satellite Mitigation Strategies [Glenn E. Peterson, 1999] (softcover)
Glenn E. Peterson
List Price: $41.50
Our Price: $34.00
You Save: $7.50 (18 %)
Detailed Description
216 pgs, 1999, AIAA ISBN 978-1884989063
The potential threat posed by Leonid meteoroids to orbiting spacecraft over the next several years calls for new dynamic mitigation strategies to assist in reducing the danger to the vehicles. This book offers deliberate dynamic mitigation strategies to complement the traditional shielding strategies, providing mission operators additional ways to decrease the danger.
- Assesing the Threat
- The Geometry of Shadows: Meteoric Eclipsed
- Gravitational Focusing of Meteoroid Particles
- Mitigating the Threat
- The Iceman Cometh: Threats of the Future