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Astrophysics is Easy!: An Introduction for the Amateur Astronomer [Michael Inglis, 2007]
List Price: $39.95
Our Price: $28.00
You Save: $11.95 (30 %)

Detailed Description

  • Paperback, 224 pages
  • Springer; 1st Edition, 2007
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-13: 978-1852338909

Astrophysics is often - with some justification - regarded as incomprehensible without at least degree-level mathematics. Consequently, many amateur astronomers skip the math, and miss out on the fascinating fundamentals of the subject. In Astrophysics Is Easy! Mike Inglis takes a quantitative approach to astrophysics that cuts through the incomprehensible mathematics, and explains the basics of astrophysics in accessible terms. The reader can view objects under discussion with commercial amateur equipment.
From the Back Cover:
With some justification, many amateur astronomers believe astrophysics is a very difficult subject, requiring at least degree-level mathematics to understand it properly. This isn’t necessarily the case. Mike Inglis' quantitative approach to the subject explains all aspects of astrophysics in simple terms and cuts through the incomprehensible mathematics with which this fascinating subject is all too often associated. Astrophysics is Easy! begins by looking at the H-R diagram and other basic tools of astrophysics, then ranges across the universe, from a first look at the interstellar medium and nebulae, through the birth, evolution and death of stars, to the physics of galaxies and clusters of galaxies. A unique feature of this book is the way that Dr. Inglis lists example objects for practical observation at every stage, so that practical astronomers can go and look at the object or objects under discussion – using only easily-available commercial amateur equipment.
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STL Errata

Chapter 1 of "The Logic of Microspace"